Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Poor Baby Bean

So last tonight we spent the evening in the ER with Baby Bean. She was feeling miserable this week and weekend so we figured that we are should take her in just to make sure that she was ok. She is did so good once we got there. Two year olds don't like going to the doctor at all, but she did a good job of doing what they asked without having a complete meltdown.

Ava and Kitty in the ER

She ended up having to have chest x-rays to determine what was wrong with her. They did think that her ears looked red and that there was a possibility and she had a double ear infection. After looking at her x-rays they did determine that they think she had an acute pneumonia as well. Poor baby girl she just looked miserable. I felt horrible for her, but she did a good job of relaxing considering. :) She can always put a smile on my face.

Always Relaxing... :)

She is now taking Zyertc for her hives, Amoxicillin for the Pneumonia, and Tylenol for the fever. Bean doesn't like medicine, so poor thing is really sick of it now.

Here is to hoping that this week is better than last week! Gary has a test today, and I'm finally back at work, so hopefully we can get back into our normal routine and Ava bean can get back to normal! Poor baby girl!

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