Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Poor Baby Bean

So last tonight we spent the evening in the ER with Baby Bean. She was feeling miserable this week and weekend so we figured that we are should take her in just to make sure that she was ok. She is did so good once we got there. Two year olds don't like going to the doctor at all, but she did a good job of doing what they asked without having a complete meltdown.

Ava and Kitty in the ER

She ended up having to have chest x-rays to determine what was wrong with her. They did think that her ears looked red and that there was a possibility and she had a double ear infection. After looking at her x-rays they did determine that they think she had an acute pneumonia as well. Poor baby girl she just looked miserable. I felt horrible for her, but she did a good job of relaxing considering. :) She can always put a smile on my face.

Always Relaxing... :)

She is now taking Zyertc for her hives, Amoxicillin for the Pneumonia, and Tylenol for the fever. Bean doesn't like medicine, so poor thing is really sick of it now.

Here is to hoping that this week is better than last week! Gary has a test today, and I'm finally back at work, so hopefully we can get back into our normal routine and Ava bean can get back to normal! Poor baby girl!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sad Day in the Metheny Household

Last night after daycare I noticed that Ava had a little rash. As the evening went on she became more and more miserable. Poor thing was covered in hives! I don't know what caused them because she wasn't around anything new, and she hasn't been allergic to anything before, I put some Benedryl cream on them and figured I would see how they were in the morning. Well they were still here this morning, if not a little worse.

So Ava got to take a trip to see her awesome PA Ms. Martha today to see what we could do to make the itching stop and to see what might be causing the hives. Well we aren't really sure what is causing the hives, but Ms. Martha did tell us to make sure that she got some liquid Benedryl, so we started giving her that. For anyone who knows Ava and her medicine tendencies we all know that Ava doesn't like taking them. This summer when my cousin Kristi was here with her she got stung by a bee near her eye and had to take Benedryl, and needless to day it was a mess! We ended up figuring out that the best option was to put it in her milk to make sure that she was getting it. Well today Ava saw me get the medicine out of the cabinet, and she immediately just told me that I better not be putting that in her milk. I knew that meant trouble. But in the end she took it just like a big girl, and then told me that it wasn't that bad! She is getting so big.

Tonight our hives seem better, but they are still bothering her a little bit, I'm really hoping that tomorrow is a better day for Baby Bean, there is nothing worse than having a sick baby at home.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Ava's Little Mind :)

I just love how perfect and innocent she is, that's really all this post is supposed to be about. :) She is so stinking cute. She always tells me how awesome her life is, which is always a perfect way to put a smile on my face. It's great to know that she is enjoying everyday.

You Just Have to Love That Face!! 

Last night we celebrated Papa Iobe's birthday and as we were leaving the house she started to to freak out because she thought that I forgot Gary. I reminded her that Gary was at work and not just missing, she thought about this for a minute before she gave me permission to leave Grammie and Papa's house. She is just genuinely concerned about everyone else. There are some very awesome things about being a mother, but watching Ava grow into such a smart, amazing little girl just warms my heart every day.

Oh Monday...

Here we are again, Monday, we never meet on good terms.

This was a fun packed weekend for the Metheny family. We spent Friday evening just being bums, Saturday night Ava and I were able to go to dinner with my parents and my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Forest. It was nice to see them and to eat some yummy pizza. Sunday we celebrated my dad's birthday he is the big "50"! He actually isn't going to be 50 until Wednesday, but we celebrated Sunday since Blake was home. Mom made meatloaf and potato's. It was really delicious! She is such an awesome cook, she also made cake which Ava was convinced was for her, I think Ava is the only one in the world that Papa will willingly share his red cake with.

So for a quick look into the ridiculous that is my family, last night Gary got sent home from work early because Target is so slow right now (go shop at Target!!). He was working on his homework, so I told him that I was going to head in and lay down. Well we currently keep our Wii in our bedroom, and I have been trying to beat Zelda for the last two years... I know I'm slow, but I have a full time job and 2 year old, so I don't play very much. I decided that I was going to play last night. I was using my computer to look up with I was supposed to do next because honestly I was just getting annoyed that I couldn't figure it out without looking.

Gary always gives me a hard time about looking up games online, PLUS at this point Gary thinks that I'm actually in bed. So I hear him coming in to the room so I quickly exit out of the page that I was on and shut the computer, and continue playing, he walks in the room starts laughing and points out that he knew I was in there looking up the stuff. I'm telling you I can't hide anything from this guy... :) After I get over the fact that he is now going to make fun of me until the end of time, I continue to look up everything under the sun to help me beat that level. He will never let me live this one down :)

Happy Monday!

Friday, January 20, 2012


It's finally Friday, and boy am I ready! I am going to spend the weekend with Ava Bean :) I need some Ava mommy time. Gary has to work all weekend, I know that he has to have a job, but seriously! I hate that we are on completely opposite schedules. I just keep telling myself that we are only doing this until he is done with school! Someday we will get weekends together!

We are sitting here awaiting what looks to be another fantastic snow storm, so it looks like we may be snowed in for most of the weekend. Ava really wants to make a snowman, and this might be our best chance this year, so I suppose we should try and do that this weekend. She loves the snow, and it absolutely amazes me that at 2 she doesn't realize the cold. We get out of the car and you would think it's 75 degrees! She just wants to run around a play in the snow and thinks its crazy that I want to go in the house. At least she keeps me on my toes, I never know what that girl is going to do next.

For example, after stumbling in our room in the middle of the night Ava crawls up in bed with us, then proceeds to wake up screaming about needing more popcorn. When I tell her that I'm not going to make popcorn, at 5:30, she tells me I can make it for breakfast and falls back asleep. I'm telling you she must get that from her dad... :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Baby Bean is Tuckered Out

Thanks Mother Nature

So this morning we head out the door in the cold snowy weather all bundled up ready to take what the day is going to throw at us. Ava gives Daddy hugs tells him to have a good day at school and we proceed to head to Ms. Bernie's to drop Ava off. Ava was being a complete clown this morning on the way in, She started with asking me if I called Grammie to make sure that it was ok that she was going to Ms. Bernie's. I explained that yes it was ok. Then she was telling me that she was glad that she was going because she knows how much Ms. Bernie missed her. Oh Ava, always thinks its all about her!

The best was when we were driving slowly on the highway, she asked me why I was driving so slowly this morning. I explained that I was driving slow because it was snowy and icy. She asked who made the snow and ice come and I said that would just be Mother Nature. She yells from the backseat, thanks mother nature, now I going to be late to Ms. Bernie's!

She just absolutely cracks me up! Well we got her dropped off, and then Bri and I were finally able to head into work. Thank goodness we made it here in one piece, now I just need to get home in once piece then it's 1 day until the weekend. I need another cup of coffee...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Afternoon Pick Me Up

Nothing Like an Afternoon Cup of Coffee

I have to get up and function today?!

This is how our household feels today

We all started to get head colds right after Christmas. Just after I finally thought that we were all getting over our colds, we are starting them all over again! It seems like we were just doing this! I hate that head colds don't seem to ever really go away. They are just like a vicious cycle in our house. We are all dragging and cranky, but at least we only the only ones that have to put up with us.

On a better note, Gary survived his first day at school! Now that the ball is rolling we just have to make sure that we keep up this momentum. Ava has almost made it through a whole week of daycare and loving every minute of it. I am just so relieved that this week has gone smoothly, Ava is so used to being at home with Daddy that I wasn't sure how this would go.

Here is to hoping that our head colds heal and we can get back to normal. Well lets be honest our family is anything but normal, but that is what makes us exciting.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First Day of School!

This has been a week of firsts!

Yesterday was Ava's first day at her new daycare and when I asked her how her day was her response, "Daycare is Awesome"! I'm just glad that I can go to work knowing that she is in a safe and happy place, it makes me feel better about everything during the day. She seems to love Ms. Bernie, and I am sure that things can only get better.

Today is Gary's first day back to school since Ferris! He is tackling an Math class and an Anatomy class, and I feel like a proud mother today. I can't even express how excited I am for him, and how proud I am of him for following his dreams. He is going back to school with the hopes of being able to get into nursing school. I think that he is going to rock it, and I can't wait to see how this adventure goes.

For me... well I'm just living the dream :)

Welcome to the Metheny Chronicals!

Well here goes nothing, I have blogged for years, sometimes it was to just journal and clear my head. Other times I would blog to just get my thoughts and ideas out there, but in the last few months I have decided that I really wanted to start blogging more seriously. I have tried to revamp one of my older blogs, but just decided that it would be better if I just start new.

This is going to be a quick way to keep up with the Methenys! :)

I will do my best to let everyone know the happenings in our lives as well as the tales of the humorous things that Baby Bean does. We all know that she can provide great entertainment. If nothing else this will be a fantastic way to document the days. History is always entertaining, and to have these to go back to watch our lives unfold will be a gem. So here goes nothing....