Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Leland Jack Metheny

Leland Jack made his grand entrance into the world on January 20th 2013. My first labor with my DD was very quick, so I was trying to very aware and mindful for contractions this last week or so because I was worried about how quickly this labor would progress. I had been sick most of the week before he was born, so on Saturday I was finally feeling better for the first time in awhile. DH took DD and I out to dinner and then we spent the evening resting up and had made plans to drive about 2 hours the next day to visit my brother who is in college.

Our plan was to leave on Sunday morning around 10, I woke up to get ready about 7. When I got up I felt off, I wouldn't say that I thought I was in labor, just that I felt off. Well about 8 I decided that I was having contractions, I started to time them, and they were all about 5 minutes apart. I immediately called my mom who was supposed to be going with us to let her know that I thought that I might be in labor, and she and my dad headed over to get DD. I then woke up DH and told him that I thought that I was in labor. I told him that I was going to take a quick shower and see how the contractions were progressing. While I was in the shower my contractions went from about 5 mins apart to 2 mins apart. We only live 2 blocks from the hospital in our small town so I wasn't overly worried about getting to the hospital. We told my mom, who was planning on being in the room with us, to head home with my dad and DD and that we would call her once we got checked in and knew where I was dilated too.

We got to the birth center after a small debacle with the car. My car starter shorted out and we had to wait 15 minutes to get the car to actually start. Once we got to the birth center at the hospital they took me to triage to get me checked but decided based on my previous quick labor to just skip this step and just check me in. We got checked in at 9:40 and the nurses told me they were going to check to see how dilated I was. At this point I was thinking that I was at about a 5. Well I was actually complete at a 10 and Leland's head was entering the birth canal. We called my mom and told her to come as quick as possible. Thankfully she lives very close and she came as fast as possible. My DH called her at 9:43 to see where she was at and she was running in the door at the hospital. She made it to our room at 9:50, and I started to push. Leland Jack entered the world at 10:00 am on the dot. He weighed 7lbs 3oz and was 18 inches long.

All in all it was perfect :) and so is Leland. Ava and Leland get along great, and Ava is the best big sister in the whole world. She is helping with everything, and she is such a great helper. I don't know what I would do without her.